A new iOS app from Navtech Software

iStreams displays the valid hourly Channel Islands tidal stream atlas for the current UT time , in reference to the current UT time of high water at Dover – a smart app, fully functional offline.

The Dover HW time (UT) nearest to the actual time (UT) is selected from the database and the relevant streams chart is displayed, together with the time period for which the chart is valid.
As the time moves to the next valid period, the relevant hourly chart is auto displayed.
* Swiping left or right on the chart displays the next or previous hourly chart. Whenever the chart displayed is valid at the current time (UT), the validity period is displayed in green.
* Pinching the screen zooms the chart.
* Tapping the location button shows your actual boat position on the chart.

Select ‘Channel Islands’ or zoomed ‘Alderney’ streams chart, from the segmented control.
A scale shows whether it is neaps, springs or somewhere in between.
Tap on the interpolation button to auto calculate the tidal rate when in between neaps and springs.
The app automatically selects the nearest Dover HW time of the day, but if you want to see data for the next or previous HW of the day, tap on the HW1/HW2 label to the left of the HW time currently displayed.
For forward planning, tap on the date to select a different date, whereupon data relevant to that date will be displayed.
In Manual mode any Dover HW time derived from an almanac, can be manually set by tapping inside the HW time display box. In this mode, the time display reverts to whatever time zone the iOS device is set, auto chart update is also implemented.